Writing II (Week 9): Introduction and conclusion paragraphs

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Make sure to avoid altogether using grammar checker, translation software, and generative AI text (whether directly or paraphrased) – Using any of these can lower your originality score. Your final draft must have an originality score between 90%-100%. I will generate your originality score April 1, 2024 on your completed first draft.

Benjamin L. Stewart


  • Team leaders: Diana C., Santi, Dany, Sam, Danae, Pablo
  • Compare an introduction paragraph and conclusion paragraph.
  • Review the options for creating a linking sentence:
    • Choose one of the Types of transitions that mentions the main idea of the current paragraph and follow it with a main clause that mentions the main idea of the next paragraph.
    • Create a complex sentence that begins with a subordinating clause that mentions the main idea of the current paragraph and follow it with the main clause that mentions the main idea off the next paragraph.
  • Complete the skeleton outline activities assignment here, but nothing to submit to the Teams assignment.
  • Provide feedback as time permits.


  • Team leaders: Diana C., Santi, Dany, Sam, Danae, Pablo
  • Work on introduction paragraph in teams… specifically the background information.
  • First your first draft, try to include at least three different references.
  • Paragraphs should has 120-150 words.


  • Team leaders: Diana C., Santi, Dany, Sam, Danae, Pablo
  • Complete skeleton outline activities assignment.
  • Complete introduction and conclusion paragraphs.