Optimizing Research Design for Time-Constrained Thesis Seminars

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For those taking Thesis Seminar, consider that you only have the equivalent of about three weeks to collect data. For this reason, some types of studies are going to be better than others. The recommendations below are based on this limitation.

Benjamin L. Stewart

Key points to creating a title and research design

Causation versus correlation

  • Words like impact, influence, better or best, affects, leads, etc. imply causation that stems from primarily quantitative studies that rely on a hypothesis and inferential statistics to statistically prove that one thing causes another, that something is better than something else, etc. Due to the limitation of time, causal studies of this kind are not recommended.
  • If the purpose is to compare two data points, a correlative study is a possibility under certain circumstances and could be an option for those taking Thesis Seminar. Consult with your instructor.

Focus on possible solutions as opposed to a problem

The title of the paper should reflect a possible solution and not the problem.

Descriptive study

The title of the paper should reflect a descriptive study with certain aspects:

  • The descriptive study might compare findings and a compare findings with the literature. A comparison includes comparing similarities and differences when applicable. For example, the study might compare student perceptions with their instructor’s perceptions, etc.
  • The descriptive study might offer correlations in the findings to show associations but not cause and effect. For example, 1) students who have higher grades are called on more often in class (or vice versa) – positive correlation of 0 to +1 or 2) students who feel more nervous speaking in the L2 make fewer grammatical mistakes – negative correlation of 0 to -1.
  • The descriptive study can be explanatory and explains why.
  • The descriptive study can be exploratory and explains how.
  • Note: When Developing an argument throughout the paper, different question words are likely to be addressed (e.g., how, why, when, where, what, with whom, etc.), but usually the title of the paper will reflect the overall purpose by choosing only one question word such as “why” or “how”.

Scope of the paper

The title of the paper should reveal the scope of the research.

  • The title of the paper should address the participants of the study that pertain to the literature review and the participants mentioned in the method section.
  • The title of the paper should provide a context; that is, it avoids ideas that are too broad (e.g., learning English, teaching, etc.)
  • To provide context, find the most appropriate set of keywords to include in the title of the paper.

Take a stand

The title of the paper should take a stance or reveal a point of view (by not asking a question). Thus, a phrase like, “advantages and disadvantages” in the title is usually discouraged since it does not reveal one side of the argument over the other. Besides advantages and disadvantages, impact, influence, etc., there are other words and phrases which one should avoid: important, importance, it is important, vital, essential, etc. Avoid weak verbs.

Summary of research questions

These research questions explore various aspects of teaching and learning English as a foreign language, with a focus on the emotional, psychological, and pedagogical challenges and strategies of both teachers and students. Some of the main themes are:

  • The impact of emotions, such as introversion, social anxiety, and disruptive behavior, on the teaching performance and classroom management of pre-service and novice teachers, and how they cope with them.
  • The compatibility of introversion with the educational field, and the advantages and disadvantages of being an introvert teacher or student.
  • The extrovert cultural bias in the English language teaching and learning context, and how it affects the expectations and attitudes of teachers and students.
  • The inclusion and adaptation of students with special needs, such as Asperger Syndrome, dyslexia, and learning disabilities, in the English classroom, and the strategies and techniques that teachers can apply to meet their needs.
  • The use of project-based learning and teaching as a way to enhance students’ performance and engagement in high school, and the challenges and benefits of managing project-based learning for teachers.
  • The preference and effects of physical and digital materials on students’ learning process, and the reasons behind them.
  • The evaluation of the proficiency of EFL teachers in Mexico, and the alternatives to the standardized tests such as the EGAl-EIN or TKT.

Example titles 1

  • Emotions and Pre-Service Teachers: How They Influence Teaching Performance and Coping Strategies
  • How Pre-Service Teachers Manage Their Emotions in the Classroom and How It Affects Their Teaching
  • The Impact of Emotions on Pre-Service Teachers’ Teaching Performance: A Study of Emotion Regulation and Expression
  • Emotions in the Classroom: How Pre-Service Teachers Experience and Deal with Them
  • The Role and Importance of Emotions in Pre-Service Teachers’ Teaching: A Survey of Emotion Types and Effects
  • How Pre-Service Teachers Promote Emotional Learning When Providing Written Formative Feedback to English Language Learners

Example titles 2

  • Introverted Teachers and Their Teaching Strategies: How They Interact, Adapt, and Cope with Different Types of Students
  • How Introverted Teachers Overcome Their Introversion and Teach Effectively: A Study of Their Social Skills, Personality Changes, and Class Planning
  • The Challenges and Opportunities of Introversion in Teaching: How Introverted Teachers Create Relationships, Change Personalities, and Plan Classes
  • Introverted Teachers in the Classroom: How They Face Their Introversion and Deal with Extroverted and Introverted Students
  • Introversion and Teaching: How Introverted Teachers Use Strategies and Techniques to Enhance Their Teaching Performance and Student Interaction