CCK11: Connectivism Course

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As I gear up for the next course on connectivism and connective knowledge, I like to idea of no Moodle! Using Twitter as an aggregator that later is published to a newsletter is really a connectivist approach to learning online.  It would have been interesting to see how this same course (which started back in 2008 if memory serves) developed if at no time an LMS, facebook, etc. would have been used.  Simply, a newsletter, perhaps a syllabus (wiki), and twitter and social bookmarking sites as the only technologies along with whatever technologies the participants wanted to use (including an LMS, facebook, etc.).  I suspect that there would have been fewer participants participating more.

My plans for this course are to post to my blog and respond to others.  I’ll use Twitter, the Daily, Diigo, and whatever technologies I find others using…but will not use facebook or any LMS.

My hopes are to generate some traffic to my site as well as find others to interact with that will extend beyond this 12-week course, beyond the topic of connectivism.