#ebookEVO Chat response (Jan. 8, 2016)

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The following questions were asked yesterday via #ebookEVO chat

Q1: What current problems or limits do you encounter teaching with your textbook?

I do not use one textbook when teaching, so I cannot really comment on this.  If there was a particular textbook, I would work hard not to use it as the “syllabus”.  So, my goal is to begin a textbook with the realization that it will not be used as the syllabus for any particular course.

Q2: Why should teachers consider creating digital textbooks for their learners?

 As mobile learning become more ubiquitous, digital textbooks become a logical transition from the physical textbook.  Also, the term digital textbook should not be limited to a fixed artifact…for instance, a wiki could be used to host a digital textbook that is continually being updated.

Q3: What are possible obstacles faced when creating and publishing digital materials?

 Copyright and the degree materials are open to the general public.

Q4: What questions & fears do you have about creating a digital textbook?

 What are the best tools and processes for creating an attractive-looking textbook?

Q5: What questions & fears do you have about learning online in or a #MOOC?


Q6: What tips do you have for learning online in a 5 week session like #ebookEVO?

 Don’t feel overwhelmed by the amount of content and discussions that emerge over this short, five week period.  Connect with individuals and content as time permits based on one’s needs, wants, and learning preferences. Also, get involved in the conversations by offering opinions, regardless of your experience level.  Active learning over passive learning I always say.